ANBAI General Body Meetings & Annual Conferences

16.10.2010: National DNB Hospital Meet: The 1st National meeting of ANBAI at Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore

16.12.2010 : First Governing Council meeting held at Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore

27.08.2011: Second Annual General Body Meeting at Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, TamilNadu.

  • Dr. Rajasekaran, Dr. Devi Shetty, Dr. Alex Thomas, Dr. Gyani, Dr. Ballal and Dr. RajaSabapathy
  • Dr. Devi Shetty
  • Dr. Girdhar Gyani – Chief Guest

02.02.2012: ANBAI Governing Council Meeting at BBH, Bangalore

22.07.2012: Third Annual General Body Meeting at AIMS, Cochin, Kerala

  • Dr. Bipin Batra – Executive Director - NBE
  • Dr. Prem Nair, Dr. Devi Shetty, Dr. Alex Thomas & Dr. Bipin Batra

16.03.2013: ANBAI Organising Committee Meeting at BBH, Bangalore

03.08.2013: Fourth Annual Conference at BBH , Bangalore

  • Dr. Prem Nair, Dr. Rajasekaran, Dr. Nagendra Swamy, Dr. Sudarshan Ballal, Dr. Bipin Batra, Dr. Devi Shetty
  • Lighting of the lamp: Dr. Naveen Thomas, Dr. Nagendra Swamy, Dr. Ballal, Dr. Bipin Batra, Dr. Devi Shetty

27.09.2014: Fifth National Governing Council Meeting, Coimbatore

6th Annual Conference, Hotel Marigold, Hyderabad 2015

  • Felicitation of Dr. Bipin Batra by Dr. Avulappa, Dr. Suresh Kumar, Mr. Govind Hari, Dr. Balraj & Dr. Venu Gopal
  • Mr. Srinivas Bala Handing a Bouquet to Dr. Bipin Batra

ANBAI Combined General Body & Governing Council Meeting 2018